We hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. This year we celebrated 3 times! The first was with Ainsley's co-workers on Sunday.
The second was with Andrew's kindergarten.
Finally, for the actual day, we drove up to Seoul and stayed at the Dragon Hill Lodge and had Thanksgiving dinner with practically everyone we know in the country. I'm not kidding. It was really nice not having to cook!
Here we are enjoying our Thanksgiving feast with the Bliss family. We had a HUGE group of people and despite making a couple of reservations for the max of 20 people, they only set up tables as big as 8. Luckily, we were together in one huge room. Later that night, we put the kids to bed and stayed out in the hallways talking until late.
We also walked around a shopping area called Itaewon and explored the Army post. We ended up only staying one night. The five of us were in one room and that is too many sleepers in one space! The kids slept great but Ainsley and I were up all night listening to them giggle (Andrew), talk (Josh) or kick (Madeline) in their sleep! We plan on going back for more exploring and for a two-room stay.
Joshie and one of the many giant Santas around the hotel.