DaisypathVacation Ticker

Saturday, May 24, 2008

100th Post: Paying it Forward

My little blog is growing up! This is my 100th post! Apparently, when you reach your 100th post, you are supposed to do something special: have a contest and give something away, list 100 things about yourself. None of those really appealed to me. But then I saw a "Pay It Forward" contest on a friend's blog and knew that would be the perfect thing.

If you've seen the movie "Pay It Forward," then you get the general idea. You do someone a favor without expecting anything in return. They return the favor and "pay it forward" by doing something nice for someone else. The way it works on a blog is the first three people who leave a comment and decide to Pay it Forward to three people in their own way will get a prize.

Here are the rules: I will send a gift (a special Korean one, of course) to the first 3 people who leave a comment on my blog requesting to join this "Pay It Forward" exchange, and who make the same pledge on their own blog. The only thing you have to do in return is PAY IT FORWARD on your own blog.

(If don't have a blog but still want to participate, then you have to be one of the first three people to leave a comment describing what random act of kindness you did for someone since reading this post. For example, did you pay for the person behind you in the drive thru line? Did you let the person behind you in line at the grocery store go first? Did you babysit a couple's three adorable children so they could have their first date in a year? You get the idea...)

So, if you want to get Korean goodies, let me know!


Justin said...

HAPPY 100th post. Each one funnier than the last. I don't have a blog, so my "pay it forward" was letting someone keep their job. Just kidding, but I did pay for my friend's month pass to the local pool because he didn't have enough money. Does that count???

Jenna Stitzel said...

Happy 100th post! :) I have a REALLY good one...TODAY I deposited 6 checks for cash all adding up to a good chunk of money. However, I am sick and my head is stuffy and I didn't "do the math" before I left. The teller gave me my money and I went on my way. Well, I get home and realize she gave me $500 for a $50 check, so I went back to the bank and gave her back $450 so she wouldn't be short at the end of the day. She was very appreciative and surprised. Long story short, "do onto others as you would want done onto you"! :)Miss you guys!

Lynn said...

I just did a huge giveaway on my blog. Does this make me the third commenter?!?! I will be sure to blog about your awesome idea!

On a totally different note...are you going to pizza night tonight? If so, can you bring Zippy? I don't need it back yet. I am just working on a review of it for my blog and I want to copy one of the quotes. Thanks! Hope to see you there...it's been a while!

Lynn said...

I just thought of something...Jenna was one of the winners on my blog, so if you are sending something to her, perhaps we can combine shipping. :o)