DaisypathVacation Ticker

Thursday, June 26, 2008

NEO Chicks

Last women standing: Kim, Annalies, Gretchen, Me, Cathy (everyone else passed out early;)

I'm not sure how to fully explain the NEO Chicks or how I got involved in them, but they are a fun group of girls.

NEO stands for non-combatant evacuation operation. That means, when all hell breaks loose here, this is how they get all of the families out of Korea as fast as humanly possible. It may involve the use of these:

The one for babies is totally horrific. It's like putting your baby in a giant Ziploc bag with a bottle attached to it. Oh, yes, it even has a lovely harness so you can wear your baby around your neck if you need to. And, chances are, if the sh*t goes down, I would probably have to wear Madeline around my neck in order to carry all the paperwork, food, water and diapers I would need to escape. So, without saying anymore than I should, it would be a terribly horrific situation and it's one that I don't really care to think about too much.

Howeva, we are required to think about it a couple of times a year when we "practice." So, in order to combat what would otherwise be a depressing exercise, someone (can't remember who) came up with the brilliant idea to pre-party before we process the NEO line. Imagine, if you will, 20 or so liquored up women carrying their assortment of paperwork and gas masks through a military processing center and you have the NEO chicks.

After the first NEO, it was decided that we needed uniforms (pink T-shirts that say: No Woman Left Behind) and more practice was necessary to hone our skills. So we had plenty of parties to build up our tolerance. Then, when we had perfected our mad drinking skills, we took it out for a night on the town about a month ago. I stayed out until 1am (curfew) and actually got stopped on my way home at the Korean sobriety checkpoint by my house. I, of course, passed, or I would be writing this from some sad Korean jail.

But, I digress. Two weeks ago was our last get together, complete with the requisite drinking and a couple of rounds of Twister (which proved a lot more difficult as an adult). Gretchen beat me, but that's okay, she's going to Alabama, too, so I couldn't start off any rivalry with her just yet or it would be a long year ;) Just kidding. I am glad she'll be in the same neighborhood as me when we get back to America because she is loads of fun! Here is a picture of our butts:

According to Gretchen, the other Twister pictures were not flattering. What? Twister pictures not flattering? Shocker.


Krazy Fam said...

I will repeat your comment..."who is that fine piece of a$$????" Awesome! See you soon!

Van Brunt Family said...

Oh my, so many memories. Shocked my mother when Claire's first Halloween costume was (jokingly) her gas mask "outfit."