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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Joshie's Gingerbread House

Today at the monthly MOPS meeting, Joshua's class made AWESOME gingerbread houses/churches! They are HUGE and smell soooo good!

When I went to his classroom to pick him up I was amazed to say the least. Usually, they do a few art projects which he loves, but this time, they really outdid themselves. Clearly, there was teacher help involved.

Doing gingerbread houses has inadvertently become a tradition for the boys. Their preschool back in Florida did them every year, and they've always loved doing them. This year I was a little nervous that the boys would be disappointed in not doing one. But as it turns out, Andrew will be making one also next week! Hooray!

MOPS, in case you don't know, stands for Mothers of Preschoolers. They meet once a month and each month is a different theme all pertaining to motherhood in some way shape or form. This month was all about keeping the Christmas/Christ in Christmas. It was very well done and as usual has given me lots of ideas on ways to celebrate the season with the kids. There is always food (yum) and childcare provided for the kids. It's a win-win situation and I'm glad to be doing it.


keenbliss said...

That is one huge MOPS project. How awesome. He looks so proud!

Lynn said...

I loved that MOPS meeting. Wow! You were quick with the posting! Great job Josh!