DaisypathVacation Ticker

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Vision Quest for COEX Mall

So, here's the part where we are just dumb Americans trying to get to the mall. COEX mall is a GIANT mall that has an aquarium in it. I figured it would be fun to ride the train into Seoul, hook up with the subway and go to the aquarium in the mall. The kids can't wait to ride a high speed train and the aquarium would give us a destination.

Well, depending on your personality, you will view this trip as fun and spontaneous or horribly planned out. And let's just say, we had both in our group. Those of you with small children will probably wonder what were thinking.

We start off probably a bit later than we should, but let's face it, getting 5 adults and three kids out of the house for a day trip is a major production. We left the house a little after noon, hoping to catch a 12:30ish train.

We drive to what we *think* is the train station. We vaguely know where it is because we drove past it a few times during the summer. Stop number 1 is not the actual train station, but some sort of office building that is just really close to the tracks. Stop number two is indeed a train station where we purchase tickets and head down to the platform.

The first thing we realize is that the station is not the exact one we were looking for. The second indication that something might go wrong is that the tickets were cheaper than we thought. So, while we stand there watching the trains whizz by (the boys loving every minute of it), we decide that instead of hopping on what we have determined is a local train (and thus will make more stops) we should just hurry and drive to the next, bigger station and catch the direct train into Seoul.

Well, that sounds easy doesn't it? Well, the big main station that we make it to looks like it's in the poorest part of town possible. The parking lot is the size of a postage stamp and we have 2 cars to park in a lot that is already full. Now we are fully regretting leaving the smaller, nicer local station for this place that looks like Tijuana, Mexico.

Somehow we manage two parking spots and make it into the station to buy another round of tickets. We now have 6 minutes to get everyone to the train before it leaves. Turns out there are MANY MANY flights of stairs and we are all running through the station. We make it to the platform just as the train arrives and hop aboard. Whew!

The train stinks. But it's warm and pretty comfortable and only an hour to Seoul! Madeline manages to eat 2/3 of the food I brought for her for the entire day.

We arrive in Seoul where there are more people in one place than can be humanly possible. It is INSANE. We TREK through the main station and then all the way to the subway station which is not close. We then have to decipher the ticket machine. while we are counting out change an old Korean man is literally petting Andrew's hands. Huh? Turns out he's a beggar! Good thing we brought a new bottle of hand wipes.

Are you tired yet? We ARE! And we're not even to the mall yet and it's 2:30pm. We ponder just turning around and going home, but what fun would that be?? We've come this far and I will not be denied! It takes nearly an HOUR on the subway to get to the stupid mall. We only had to take two subways but we had to wait awhile for one and let's talk about crowded. Standing room only. I got a seat because people would give one up for Madeline. We were packed so tightly that I thought for sure we would never make it out!

Now, I know it's nothing new to shut your eyes and rest while riding the subway, but for some reason, on this train, EVERYONE was sleeping! Clearly, I am missing something, but Maddie is Korean now and so here she is, sleeping like everyone else. Josh couldn't hang either.

FINALLY, we drag ourselves into the mall and head for the food court since none of us had lunch yet. And to what did our wandering eyes then appear? Sbarro!!!! It was like a beam of light was shining down on the place. We love greasy Sbarro pizza and here it is in the middle of Korea. In that moment, I knew we had made the right decision.

We eat some pizza (not bad at all) and head over to the aquarium. It was nice and had a few weird exhibits. But we are forever spoiled by the coolness factor of the aquariums in Atlantis in the Bahamas. Still, the boys love the sharks and it's a hit. We whizz through there and then it's time to head for home.

Here we are on the way home, look who is the experienced world traveler!

We get home at like 9pm at night, tired, smelly and broken. But at least we can say we did it. But, Ainsley and I both agree that we won't be making that trip again. Even with five adults, three kids was a lot of work!

1 comment:

A-Team said...

You brave soul (pun intended)! Good for you for sticking with it, it made for a good story!