We began the day with the Christopher Columbus ride. It is one of those giant swinging boat rides and Andrew REALLY wanted to go on it. We missed it on our last trip so he was determined to go this time.
We walk right up since it is still early and there is no crowd. I chose the center seat since it is the tamest. Andrew's pumped and ready to go. As were watching the previous ride come to an end, Andrew gets more and more quiet. I ask him if he's scared. He says he's not but his face is much less animated. I tell him a few times that we don't have to ride this ride. We can skip it and do it another time, but he refuses.
We get on, get strapped in and the boat starts swinging. The first few swings he's completely enjoying himself. I see Ainsley down on the ground and wave at him and show Drew. But as the boat swings higher and higher, my little man gets quieter and quieter. I hold on to him and tell him that if he's scared he should either stare at his feet or close his eyes. He closes his eyes.
The ride stops and I ask him what he thought about it. This is when he begins to cry. It was so cute, I can't even tell you. "It was really scary." He is totally fighting back the tears. I console him and tell him to look around, he is the smallest kid on the ride and therefore, the bravest. I carry him down the ramp and he's feeling better but when he gets back to Daddy he starts to cry a little bit more. It didn't phase him, right after he was asking to go on one of the biggest coasters there, but we knew better :)
Then it was Mommy's turn to cry when she went on the BIGGEST roller coaster ever. It's called the T Express. The brochure describes it as "Picking and smarting sensation by world highest falling angle." I think it is referring to the way your neck feels the next day. It has the steepest incline in the world at 77 degrees. The initial drop is INSANE. Check it out:
My friend Maya and I sat in the very back and it was awesome. The g-force from the initial drop was so bad that I couldn't even hold my head up! It was so fun. I love roller coasters and this one is a monster!
Madeline had her first ride as well on "Flash Pang Pang." Who knows, but these seats just go up and down. Maddie and baby friend Curtis didn't like it at all. They both cried. 
Everland has a giant rose garden in the spring, it is amazing as well:

While Madeline and Curtis napped in their strollers, we took turns on the Korean version of the roaring rapids water ride. It's funny because they have giant tarps to cover yourself with so you don't get wet. Isn't that the point?
It didn't work anyways, Josh even ducked underneath and we still got soaked:

At the end, the workers mop all the seats dry for you which is a lot nicer than America!

At the end, the workers mop all the seats dry for you which is a lot nicer than America!
Oh, and, giant fans at the exit so you can dry off:

They also have a safari ride which takes you on a short trip around uncaged lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Most of the animals were sleeping, though.
They also have a safari ride which takes you on a short trip around uncaged lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Most of the animals were sleeping, though.
Now for the funny stuff which all revolves around food amazingly enough. I ordered a hot dog for lunch since the ones we had last time were normal enough. This one, however, not so much.
It was inedible. I couldn't even look at it without wanting to vomit. I had to get something else.
Later for a snack, we had fruit on a stick. Here's the sign for that:
Farewell, Everland!
People pay good money for Pineapple Coochie!!! :) And yeah, that hot dog looks pretty icky!
We never did get to do the raging river ride! Too bad because it looks like fun. I have to admit, reading about Everland and the water park, (and the purses of course...) made me miss Korea! I'm still having a little culture shock here... alas!
I want to go to Everland so badly. I don't know when I'll ever get to Korea but you can bet that Everland will be my first stop. Thanks for sharing, I can at least feel that I've had the insider's view.
I think we might head there on Thursday. It is such a happy place.
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