DaisypathVacation Ticker

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Madeline, 6 mos old

Today Madeline had her 6 month appointment and she's still a little peanut. She weighed 13 lbs 13.5 oz and measured 25.5 inches long. That is the 10th percentile for weight and the 25th for height! At the same age, Mommy weighed 13 lbs 4 oz, so we know she is at least a little bit like Mommy. There are two suspicious bumps on her bottom gums and the doctor seems to think that Madeline's first teeth will be here sooner rather than later.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Pimp our Rides!

A lot of people are inspired here by the temporary nature of the assignment and choose to get "kimchi" cars, or beaters. The choicest vehicles are about $1500.

One car that we never thought we would own is a minivan. This lovely car comes pre-dented so you don't have to worry about driving the crazy Korean roads. We like to think of it as our "badge of courage." Other cars see this damage and know that we don't mess around. It's very freeing. Also makes parking a complete joy! We're never afraid to park too close! And worrying about pesky door dings is a thing of the past! This van comes with air conditioning that actually works, which is a plus since the driver's side window won't roll down on occasion. Oh, and the transmission is questionable at best. Did I forget to mention the leaky side door?

Another car that we NEVER thought we would own is a Ssayong Korando. It's sorta like a Jeep Cherokee, except NEVER that nice. The plush interior is all that protects Ainsley from the rusted through holes exposing him to the elements. It's a manual, has no air conditioning and smells like fuel. It's newest feature is a fully removable driver's seat. The bolts attaching it to the floor have also rusted through so it's not longer actually attached to the frame of the car. All this for only $600! Good thing it's only a 5 minute drive to base!

Place your bets now as to whose car will still be running at the end of our assignment!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Open House

Andrew had open house this week at school. Everything is pint sized, it's really cute. Here is a picture of Andrew at his desk:

We're already embarrassing the poor kid, it's awesome!

Josh counting to 100...

Here is a picture of the playground just for kindergartners:

Andrew seems to be doing really well. He loves eating in the cafeteria and is nice and tired at the end of the day!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Joshie turns 4!

The prayer we say before dinner is one the boys learned at preschool in Niceville. It goes:

God is great,
God is good,
Let us thank him for our food.

By His hands, we are fed,
Thank you, Lord, for daily bread. Amen.

Last night, Andrew wanted to say a special blessing about his first day at Kindergarten, it was very sweet. Then, Josh said he had a special blessing he wanted to share. It went like this:

God is great, God is good,
Let us thank him for my cake.

By His hands,
Please don't touch my cake,
Thank you, Lord, for cake. Amen.

He came up with that one all on his own! Today for his special day, Daddy stayed home from work and we did all the things Josh likes to do: went to the library, out to lunch, bowling, and to the swimming pool! Then, when Andrew came home, we opened presents, had his favorite dinner and birthday cake!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Andrew's First Day of Kindergarten

Andrew had a great first day of school. Mommy walked him to the bus stop in the rain for his 7:25am pick up. He was totally prepared and did fine. Mommy on the other hand got all teary eyed as the bus pulled away! Where has our baby gone?!

The entire family met his bus at 3pm, eager to hear about his day. He said it was great. His favorite part was eating lunch in the cafeteria. Today he also had PE and Spanish. We think he may have even taken a nap at rest time. He says it was only five minutes, but we know that nap time is 45 minutes long, so who knows!