DaisypathVacation Ticker

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Catch Up

Hey! What are you still doing here? We've moved and so has our blog. Read all about our new life in America at:


Monday, July 7, 2008

Fourth of July

Although it would have been nice to actually be IN America to celebrate the Fourth, we did have fun at the "Liberty Fest" on base where we:

snapped this photo of the boys in front of Joshie's beloved A-10 tail:

got lots of freebies including this fab headband:

walked around some airplanes:

watched Andrew's favorite robotic demo:

saw strange Korean man with squeaky shoes:

and saw Mommy's favorite item of the day:

This crazy lady was really rockin' out before I started taping her (holding the camera the wrong way, duh.)

It was a bit of a challenge keeping the kids up until 9pm for fireworks so we let then run around like wild animals and fed them copious amounts of snow cone and funnel cake.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Korea Roundup

We are on our way! Here is the year's final stats:

Number of trips to the ER: 4

Number of car accidents: 1 (Ainsley)

Number of parking tickets: 1 (Ainsley)

Days spent on PEN: 365

Number of illnesses: too many

Number of Sopranos episodes watched: all 86

Number of trips to McDonald's: .5 (The kids shared some of Uncle's chicken nuggets in December, but we never did eat there. Hooray! But, that of course is all over when we get back. Ainsley's already talking about it, sigh...)

Number of blog entries: 121

Number of pregnancies: 0 (Victory is mine!)

Pounds gained: 8 lbs (Madeline)

Pounds lost: 8 lbs (Mommy)

Regrets: 0

Adios, Korea!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Things we are looking forward to

1. Grass! A yard!

2. Garbage disposals

3. Central air

4. Our car

5. Target

6. Shopping for clothes in a real store and not over the internet

7. Grilling on the BBQ

8. ICE

9. Drive-thrus

10. Seeing our families

Wednesday, July 2, 2008