DaisypathVacation Ticker

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Korea Roundup

We are on our way! Here is the year's final stats:

Number of trips to the ER: 4

Number of car accidents: 1 (Ainsley)

Number of parking tickets: 1 (Ainsley)

Days spent on PEN: 365

Number of illnesses: too many

Number of Sopranos episodes watched: all 86

Number of trips to McDonald's: .5 (The kids shared some of Uncle's chicken nuggets in December, but we never did eat there. Hooray! But, that of course is all over when we get back. Ainsley's already talking about it, sigh...)

Number of blog entries: 121

Number of pregnancies: 0 (Victory is mine!)

Pounds gained: 8 lbs (Madeline)

Pounds lost: 8 lbs (Mommy)

Regrets: 0

Adios, Korea!


Krazy Fam said...

Congrats on a year well spent! Will see you in a few weeks. Save travels.....

Van Brunt Family said...

Shocked by the lack of ER visits. Too bad they didn't offer frequent flyer miles for the VB's. Seriously, if you couldn't find us on a Friday night, then odds are, we were in the ER. Do you know how embarrasing it is to have to crack the door so the alcohol fumes coming from your husband (who was pulled from a naming) don't fill the room? Sooo many visits...sooo little time.

Lynn said...

Seriously funny and creative post.

In other news, my book club just left and we spent some time perusing your shelfari page. Fun stuff!